Topic 4: Sentinels
Topic 4: Sentinels¶
In previous programs, we used so-called routable colors, which
are associated with a route to direct the flow of wavelets.
On wse2
, task IDs which can be associated with routable colors
are in the range 0 through 23.
This example demonstrates the use of a non-routable control task ID
to signal the end of an input tensor, thus giving it the name sentinel.
In this example, the host sends a sentinel wavelet at the end of the wavelets for the input tensor. Since sentinel control task IDs are not routable colors, the programmer should not specify a route for them, but they do need to bind the control task ID to a control task, which will be activated upon receipt of the sentinel wavelet.
Here, the sentinel activates the send_result
task, which relays the
result of the sum reduction back to the host.
// color/ task ID map
// ID var ID var ID var ID var ID var
// 0 main_color 9 STARTUP 18 27 reserved (memcpy) 36
// 1 output_color 10 19 28 reserved (memcpy) 37
// 2 H2D_1 11 IN_1 20 29 reserved 38
// 3 H2D_2 12 IN_2 21 reserved (memcpy) 30 reserved (memcpy) 39
// 4 D2H 13 22 reserved (memcpy) 31 reserved 40
// 5 14 23 reserved (memcpy) 32 41
// 6 15 24 33 42
// 7 16 25 34 43 send_result_task_id
// 8 17 26 35 44
// +------+---------+------+------+
// | west |sentinal | core | east |
// +------+---------+------+------+
// +-------+ +-----------+
// H2D_1 --> | west | --> IN_1 --> | sentinel |
// H2D_2 --> | | --> IN_2 --> | |
// +-------+ +-----------+
// +---------------+ +-------+
// IN_1 --> | sentinel.csl | --> OUT_1 (main_color) | core |
// IN_2 --> | | +-------+
// +---------------+
// IDs for memcpy streaming colors
param MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1_ID: i16;
param MEMCPYH2D_DATA_2_ID: i16;
param MEMCPYD2H_DATA_1_ID: i16;
// number of PEs in a column
param size: i16;
// Sentinel to tell PE that it is time to send the result to the host
const end_computation: u16 = 43;
// Colors
const MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1: color = @get_color(MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1_ID);
const MEMCPYH2D_DATA_2: color = @get_color(MEMCPYH2D_DATA_2_ID);
const MEMCPYD2H_DATA_1: color = @get_color(MEMCPYD2H_DATA_1_ID);
const main_color: color = @get_color(0);
const output_color: color = @get_color(1);
const IN_1: color = @get_color(11);
const IN_2: color = @get_color(12);
// Task IDs
const STARTUP: local_task_id = @get_local_task_id(9);
const main_task_id: data_task_id = @get_data_task_id(main_color);
const send_result_task_id: control_task_id = @get_control_task_id(end_computation);
const IN_1_task_id: data_task_id = @get_data_task_id(IN_1);
const IN_2_task_id: data_task_id = @get_data_task_id(IN_2);
const memcpy = @import_module( "<memcpy/get_params>", .{
.width = 4,
.height = size,
layout {
@set_rectangle(4, size);
const input_route = .{ .rx = .{ WEST }, .tx = .{ RAMP } };
const output_route = .{ .rx = .{ RAMP }, .tx = .{ EAST } };
var idx :i16 = 0;
while (idx < size) {
// west.csl has two H2Ds
@set_tile_code(0, idx, "memcpyEdge/west.csl", .{
.memcpy_params = memcpy.get_params(0),
.USER_IN_1 = IN_1,
.USER_IN_2 = IN_2,
@set_tile_code(1, idx, "sentinel.csl", .{
.memcpy_params = memcpy.get_params(1),
.wtt_in_1_task_id = IN_1_task_id,
.wtt_in_2_task_id = IN_2_task_id,
.OUT_1 = main_color,
.SENTINEL = end_computation,
@set_color_config(1, idx, IN_1, .{ .routes = input_route });
@set_color_config(1, idx, IN_2, .{ .routes = input_route });
@set_color_config(1, idx, main_color, .{ .routes = output_route });
@set_tile_code(2, idx, "pe_program.csl", .{
.memcpy_params = memcpy.get_params(2),
.output_color = output_color,
.main_task_id = main_task_id,
.send_result_task_id = send_result_task_id
@set_color_config(2, idx, main_color, .{ .routes = input_route });
@set_color_config(2, idx, output_color, .{ .routes = output_route });
// east.csl only has a D2H
@set_tile_code(3, idx, "memcpyEdge/east.csl", .{
.memcpy_params = memcpy.get_params(3),
.USER_OUT_1 = output_color,
idx += 1;
param memcpy_params: comptime_struct;
// Colors
param output_color: color;
// Task IDs
param main_task_id: data_task_id; // data task recieves data along main_color
param send_result_task_id: control_task_id; // sentinel tells PE to send result to host
// ----------
// Every PE needs to import memcpy module otherwise the I/O cannot
// propagate the data to the destination.
// memcpy module reserves input queue 0 and output queue 0
const sys_mod = @import_module( "<memcpy/memcpy>", memcpy_params);
// ----------
var result: f16 = 0.0;
const out_dsd = @get_dsd(fabout_dsd, .{.fabric_color = output_color, .extent = 1});
task main_task(data: f16) void {
result = result + data;
task send_result() void {
@fmovh(out_dsd, result);
comptime {
@bind_data_task(main_task, main_task_id);
@bind_control_task(send_result, send_result_task_id);
#!/usr/bin/env cs_python
import argparse
import json
import numpy as np
from cerebras.sdk.sdk_utils import memcpy_view, input_array_to_u32
from cerebras.sdk.runtime.sdkruntimepybind import SdkRuntime, MemcpyDataType # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from cerebras.sdk.runtime.sdkruntimepybind import MemcpyOrder # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--name', help='the test name')
parser.add_argument("--cmaddr", help="IP:port for CS system")
args = parser.parse_args()
dirname =
# Parse the compile metadata
with open(f"{dirname}/out.json", encoding="utf-8") as json_file:
compile_data = json.load(json_file)
params = compile_data["params"]
MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1 = int(params["MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1_ID"])
MEMCPYH2D_DATA_2 = int(params["MEMCPYH2D_DATA_2_ID"])
MEMCPYD2H_DATA_1 = int(params["MEMCPYD2H_DATA_1_ID"])
size = int(params["size"])
print(f"size = number of PEs in a column = {size}")
# memcpy_dtype is DON'T care under streaming mode
memcpy_dtype = MemcpyDataType.MEMCPY_16BIT
runner = SdkRuntime(dirname, cmaddr=args.cmaddr)
num_wvlts = 11
print(f"num_wvlts = number of wavelets for each PE = {num_wvlts}")
print("step 1: streaming H2D_1 sends number of input wavelets to P0.0")
h2d1_u32 = np.ones(size).astype(np.uint32) * num_wvlts
runner.memcpy_h2d(MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1, h2d1_u32.ravel(), 0, 0, 1, size, 1, \
streaming=True, data_type=memcpy_dtype, order=MemcpyOrder.ROW_MAJOR, nonblock=True)
# Use a deterministic seed so that CI results are predictable
# Setup a {size}x11 input tensor that is reduced along the second dimension
input_tensor = np.random.rand(size, num_wvlts).astype(np.float16)
expected = np.sum(input_tensor, axis=1)
print("step 2: streaming H2D_2 to P0.0")
# "input_tensor" is a 1d array
# The type of input_tensor is float16, we need to extend it to uint32
# There are two kind of extension when using the utility function input_array_to_u32
# input_array_to_u32(np_arr: np.ndarray, sentinel: Optional[int], fast_dim_sz: int)
# 1) zero extension:
# sentinel = None
# 2) upper 16-bit is the index of the array:
# sentinel is Not None
# In this example, the upper 16-bit is don't care because pe_program.csl only
# reads lower 16-bit
tensors_u32 = input_array_to_u32(input_tensor.ravel(), 1, num_wvlts)
runner.memcpy_h2d(MEMCPYH2D_DATA_2, tensors_u32, 0, 0, 1, size, num_wvlts, \
streaming=True, data_type=memcpy_dtype, order=MemcpyOrder.ROW_MAJOR, nonblock=True)
print("step 3: streaming D2H at P3.0")
# The D2H buffer must be of type u32
out_tensors_u32 = np.zeros(size, np.uint32)
runner.memcpy_d2h(out_tensors_u32, MEMCPYD2H_DATA_1, 3, 0, 1, size, 1, \
streaming=True, data_type=memcpy_dtype, order=MemcpyOrder.COL_MAJOR, nonblock=False)
# remove upper 16-bit of each u32
result_tensor = memcpy_view(out_tensors_u32, np.dtype(np.float16))
# Ensure that the result matches our expectation
np.testing.assert_allclose(result_tensor, expected, atol=0.05, rtol=0)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
cslc ./layout.csl --fabric-dims=11,12 \
--fabric-offsets=4,1 -o out \
--params=size:10 \
--params=MEMCPYH2D_DATA_1_ID:2 \
--params=MEMCPYH2D_DATA_2_ID:3 \
--params=MEMCPYD2H_DATA_1_ID:4 \
--memcpy --channels=1 --width-west-buf=0 --width-east-buf=0
cs_python --name out