Syntax of CSL

This document describes the basic structures of the CSL language.

Type system overview

The basic types of CSL are:

  • void type (void)

  • signed integers (i8, i16, i32)

  • unsigned integers (u8, u16, u32)

  • floating point numbers (f16, f32)

Arrays types are spelled [num_elements] base_type, for example: [3] i16. Array literals are specified by an array type followed by a list of values, for example: [3]i16 {1, 2, 3}

For a detailed introduction to the type system of CSL, see Type System in CSL.


Variable declarations are composed of a mutability specifier, a name, a type and an initializer:

const ten_i : i16 = 10;
var   ten_f : f16 = 10.0;
param ten_d : f32 = 10.0;

A const or param variable cannot have its value changed after it has been initialized, whereas a var variable has no such restriction.

The initializer expression is:

  • Mandatory for const variables.

  • Optional for var variables.

  • Optional for param variables. If one is not provided, the param must be initialized through the module import system. See Modules.

The type expression is optional. If one is not provided, the initializer expression is mandatory and it is used to deduce the type of the variable:

const ten_a : i16 = 10;
const ten_b       = ten_a;  // ten_b is also i16.
param my_param1; // ok, the initializer is provided later.

Variable declarations may optionally have an alignment requirement:

const aligned_var1 : i16 align(32) = 10;
const aligned_var2       align(64) = ten_a;

The memory address of the corresponding variable is guaranteed to have at least the specified alignment. Alignment is specified as a number of bytes and must always be a power of two.

Global variables can be used before their declaration. For example, the following is legal:

fn my_fn(x: f16) void {
  my_global = x;

var my_global : f16;

Global variable declarations may also optionally specify the name of the link section:

var global_var1 : i16 linksection(".mySection") = 10;

By specifying the link section name .mySection, the global variable gets placed into a separate object file section named .mySection, instead of being placed into the object file section with the rest of the global variables.

The linksection attribute can be used together with the compiler flag --link-section-start-address-bytes to place global variables at particular memory addresses:

var section1: u16 linksection(".mySection1") = 0xabcd;
var section2: u16 linksection(".mySection2") = 0x1234;

// $ cslc-driver ... \
//   --link-section-start-address-bytes=".mySection1:40960,.mySection2:40980"

In the example above, the variable section1 is placed at the memory address 40960 (bytes), and section2 is placed at 40980.

Global variable declarations may also optionally specify the name of the ELF symbol corresponding to the variable:

var global_var : i16 linkname("different_name") = 10;

In this example, the global variable known as global_var within CSL gets assigned the name different_name in the compiled object file. This can be useful to control the name of symbols that are intended to be referenced by other object files as external data. Any comptime expression evaluating to a value of type comptime_string may be used for linkname.

Global variable declarations may optionally specify a storage class (either export or extern). If a variable is declared export, it is made accessible to other separately-compiled objects, and is guaranteed not to be eliminated from the compiled object. If a variable is declared extern, it is assumed that its definition will be supplied by another object that will later be linked with the object we are compiling. An extern declaration must _not_ initialize the variable.

Variables with the export or extern storage classes must have an export-compatible type. See :ref:’language-storage-classes’ for details.

// Variable 'x' will be available to other objects that are linked with
// this program.
export var x: i16 = 12;

// We expect that variable 'y' will be provided by another object that is
// to be linked with this program.
extern var y: i16;

// Variable 'foo' will be available under the name 'alias_for_foo' to other
// objects that are linked with this program.
export var foo: i16 linkname("alias_for_foo") = 42;

// Variable 'alias_for_bar' will be aliased to the a variable 'bar' provided
// by another object that is to be linked with this program.
extern var alias_for_bar: i16 linkname("bar");


To obtain a pointer to a variable, the address-of operator & is used:

var x = [2]i16 {0, 1};
var ptr = &x; // ptr is a *[2]i16

const y = [2]i16 {0, 1};
const const_ptr = &y; // const_ptr is a *const[2]i16

Only variables are addressable, as such it is illegal to obtain the address of a temporary:

const x = [2]i16 {0,0};
const ok_ptr = &x[1];

const bad_ptr = &(([2]i16 {0,0})[1]); // compile-time error.

To dereference a pointer, the dereference operator .* is used:

var x = [2]i16 {0, 1};
var ptr_to_x = &x; // ptr is a *[2]i16

var copy_of_x = ptr_to_x.*; // copy_of_x is a [2]i16

var element_of_x = ptr_to_x.*[1]; // element_of_x is an i16


Function definitions require a fn or task keyword, a name, an optional sequence of parameters, a return type and a function body:

fn foo(arg : i16) i32 { ... }
task my_task(arg : i16) void { ... }

All function parameters are implicitly const variables.

It is unspecified whether function parameters are passed by value or by reference. If it is necessary to modify a function argument, the function parameter must be declared with a pointer type:

fn foo(arg : *i16) void {
  arg.* = 42;

fn bar() void {
  var x : i16 = 0;
  foo(&x); // x is now 42.

The type of a function parameter may be specified with the keyword anytype. In this case, the compiler will create a specialized copy of the function based on the type of the corresponding argument used at the call site. This is similar to typename templates in C++.

/// Computes base ^ exp
fn pow(base : anytype, exp : @type_of(base)) @type_of(base) {
  const base_type = @type_of(base);
  if (@is_same_type(base_type, i16)) {
    // ... integer implementation ...
  if (@is_same_type(base_type, f16)) {
    // ... float implementation ...
  return @as(base_type, 0);

task t() void {
  const v1 : i16 = ...;
  pow(v1, 6); // specialized for `i16`.

  const v2 : f16 = ...;
  pow(v2, 6.0); // specialized for `f16`.

Function parameters can optionally be marked with the comptime keyword (see Comptime). In this case, the compiler will create a specialized copy of the function based on the value of the corresponding argument at the call site. The argument must be comptime-known. This is similar to non-type template parameters in C++.

/// This function is specialized for each value of base_type.
fn copy(size : i16, comptime base_type : type,
        dest : [*]base_type, src : [*]base_type) void {

  for (@range(i16, size)) |idx| {
    dest[idx] = src[idx];

task t() void {
  var src = @constants([10]i16, 42);
  var dest : [10]i16;
  copy(10, i16, &src, &dest); // specialized for i16.

Function definitions may also optionally specify the name of the ELF symbol corresponding to the function:

fn foo () linkname("bar") void { ... }

In this example, the function known as foo within CSL gets assigned the name bar in the compiled object file. This can be useful to control the name of functions that are intended to be called by other object files as extern functions. Any comptime expression evaluating to a value of type comptime_string may be used for linkname.

Function declarations may optionally specify a storage class (either export or extern). If a function is declared export, it is made accessible to other separately-compiled objects, and its definition is guaranteed not to be eliminated from the compiled object. If a function is declared extern, it is assumed that its definition will be supplied by another object that will later be linked with the object we are compiling. An extern function declaration must _not_ contain a function body.

Functions with the export or extern storage classes must have an export-compatible type. See :ref:’language-storage-classes’ for details.

// Function 'f' will be available to other objects that are linked with
// this program.
export fn f(x: i16, y: i16) { return x+y; }

// We expect that function 'g' will be provided by another object that is
// to be linked with this program.
extern fn g(f16, f16) f16;

// Function 'foo' will be available under the name 'alias_for_foo' to other
// objects that are linked with this program.
export fn foo(x: *i16) i16 linkname("alias_for_foo") { return x.*; }

// Function 'alias_for_bar' will be aliased to the a function 'bar' provided
// by another object that is to be linked with this program.
extern fn alias_for_bar(*f16) f16 linkname("bar");

Direct and Indirect Function Calls

Functions can be called directly by name or indirectly through function pointers. For example:

fn foo(a: i16, b: f32) f32 { ... }

var foo_ptr: *const fn(i16,f32)f32 = foo;

task main() void {
  foo(42, 3.14);     // Direct function call
  foo_ptr(67, 42.0); // Indirect function call

The function value foo in the example above is implicitly coerced to the requested function pointer type. Note however that function values can only be coerced to const function pointers as shown in the example above.

It is also possible to take the address of a function symbol using the address-of operator & as shown in the example below:

fn foo() void { ... }

var foo_ptr: *const fn()void = &foo;

task main() void {
  foo_ptr(); // Indirect function call

Taking the address of a function using the & operator is semantically equivalent to the implicit coercion of a function value to a const function pointer type. This means that the resulting address will always be a const pointer as well.



If-statements have the following syntax:

if (condition) {
  // ...
else {
  // ...

If condition is known at compile-time, the branch not-taken is not semantically checked by the compiler, but it must still be syntactically valid.

The else clause is optional.

It is possible to combine an else clause with another if-statement:

if (condition) {
  // ...
else if {
  // ...
else {
  // ...


A for-statement iterates over the elements of an array or range:

for (my_array) |element| {
  // ...

for (@range(i32, 0, 2, 100)) |element| {
  // ...

Inside the loop body, the variable element acts as a const declaration whose value is the element that is currently being iterated on.

For-statements may specify a const declaration for the index of the element being iterated on:

for (my_array) |element, index| {
  // ...

A break statement may be used to end the loop:

for (my_array) |element, idx| {
  // ...
  if (condition) {

A continue statement may be used to end the current iteration of the loop:

for (my_array) |element, idx| {
  // ...
  if (condition) {


While-statements have the following syntax:

while (condition) {
  // ...

continue or break statements may be used inside the body of a while-statement.

A while-statement may optionally specify an assignment expression:

while (condition) : (i += 3) {
  // ...

The assignment expression executes at the end of each loop iteration, including iterations finished with a continue statement.


Switch-statements have the following syntax:

switch (input) {
  case_values1 => branch_expr1,
  case_values2 => branch_expr2,
  else => else_expr

input can be an expression of a fixed-width integer type (i.e., comptime_int is not allowed) or of any enum type.

The body of the switch statement consists of 1 or more comma-separated branches where each branch consists of 2 parts: the case_values and the corresponding branch_expr. A branch may combine multiple case_value expressions via a comma:

switch (input) {
  case_value1, case_value2 => branch_expr1n2,
  case_value3 => branch_expr3,

A switch statement will attempt to match input with one of the provided case_value expressions. If a match is found the corresponding branch will be selected and the respective branch_expr will be executed. If no match is possible, the else branch will be selected as the default and the corresponding else_expr will be executed.

case_value expressions must be comptime-known and coercible to the type of the input expression. They must also be unique.

All branch_expr expressions (including the else_expr expression, if present) must have the same type.

If input is known at compile-time, the branch_exprs corresponding to the branches not-taken are not semantically checked by the compiler, but they must still be syntactically valid.

A switch can also be used as an expression. In this scenario all branch_expr expressions (including the else_expr expression, if present) must be able to be coerced to the common requested type:

fn foo(e: my_enum) i16 {
  // All branch_exprs and the else_expr are coerced to 'i16' which is the
  // type requested by the 'return' expression.
  return switch (e) {
           my_enum.A => 1,
           my_enum.B => -10,
           my_enum.C => 42,
           else => 100

Branches do not fall through. If fall through behavior is desired, case_value expressions can be combined and if-statements can be used as follows:

switch (input) {
  0, 1 => {
    if (input == 0) {
      // Logic for case 0
    // Common logic for cases 0 and 1

A switch statement must cover all possible values for a given input expression type either explicitly by specifying a case_value for each possibility or implicitly through the else branch:

var int_input: i16 = ...;
switch (int_input) {
  -5, 0 => ...
  // ERROR: Not all possible 'i16' values are covered. An 'else' branch is
  // needed.

const my_enum = enum { A, B, C };
var e: my_enum = ...;
switch (e) {
  my_enum.A, my_enum.B => ...,
  my_enum.C            => ...
  // OK! No 'else' branch is needed since all possible 'my_enum' values are
  // covered.

Operations on integer, floats and booleans

The following expressions are supported on integer or floating-point values:

  • a + b (addition)

  • a - b (subtraction)

  • a * b (multiplication)

  • a / b (division)

  • a += b (addition with assignment)

  • a -= b (subtraction with assignment)

  • a *= b (multiplication with assignment)

  • a /= b (division with assignment)

  • -a (negation)

The following expressions are supported on integer values:

  • a % b (remainder from integer division)

  • a << b (shift left)

  • a >> b (arithmetic shift right if a is signed, otherwise logical shift right)

  • a & b (bitwise AND)

  • a | b (bitwise OR)

  • a ^ b (bitwise XOR)

  • a %= b (remainder from integer division with assignment)

  • a <<= b (shift left with assignment)

  • a >>= b (shift right with assignment)

  • a &= b (bitwise AND with assignment)

  • a |= b (bitwise OR with assignment)

  • a ^= b (bitwise XOR with assignment)

  • ~a (bitwise NOT)

The following expressions are supported on boolean values:

  • a or b (logical AND)

  • a and b (logical OR)

  • !a (logical NOT)

For binary operations, both operands must have exactly the same type, unless one of the them is a comptime_int (see Comptime). Shift operations are an exception to this rule, where the only constraint is that the right hand side operand must be an unsigned integer.

The ternary operator

A ternary operator has similar syntax to an if-statement:

const x : i32 = if (cond) 0 else 1;

Ternary operators do not require {} blocks, and may be used anywhere an expression is expected.

Both the “then” expression and the “else” expression must have compatible types.

If cond is known at compile-time, the branch not taken is not semantically checked by the compiler, but it must still be syntactically valid. In this case, the two expressions don’t need to have compatible types.


// begins a single-line comment. There are no multi-line comments in CSL.

// This function returns the value arg + 2
fn foo(arg : i16) i16 {
  var x : i16 = arg;

  // This and the next line are commented out: x will not be incremented by 1
  // x += 1;

  x += 2; // Increment x by 2

  return x;